Sunday, April 06, 2008

Good Friday 2008

Each year here in Castanheira, we have a re-enactment of The Good Friday Passion of Our Lord and it is organised by the Youth. Thankfully this year the rains kept away until after we were finished.

The Good Friday ceremony, starts as normal, in the church hall at Santa Rita (a church community on one side of the town.) When the Passion Narrative is read out the youth re-enact the sentencing of Jesus and so we begin our procession through the roads and streets of the town towards the Parish Hall at the main church.

During the procession we stop at little “stations” along the way to re-enact one of the stations and pray and sing. We have a sound lorry that accompanies us so that the prayers and music are heard throughout the large crowd. It seemed to me we had more participating this year than last year.

When the procession reaches our Parish Hall or what is left of it, (this year the parish hall is being knocked down, it had become dangerous.), the crucifixion scene and burial takes place.

After this the people gather in the church to continue the Good Friday Passion Service with the prayers of the church, the kissing of the cross and Holy Communion. At the end of this the youth arrive in with the body of Jesus and perform a silent drama, not too unlike a funeral.

Because of the heat we start at four in the afternoon and about three hours later we were finished our prayers and Passion Service. Looking at the pictures we had over 300 persons participating on “The Way of The Cross”.

Early in the morning of Good Friday we had a rehearsal, I arrived with my camera to find the youngsters wrapped up against the cold. It was nearer 20 than 30 degrees Celsius. For them it was cold but for me it was lovely.

We got a lot of fun out of taking this picture as I caught the guys carrying in the crosses for the passion play.

Sadly our parish hall has become dangerous so it is being dismantled. which left a lot of rubble to be cleaned up to prepare for the Way of The Cross.

Some of the soldiers.

Derek and some of the ministers opening the our prayer service in the church hall at Santa Rita.

A little parishioner form Santa Rita.

Jesus is condemned to death.

Leaving Santa Rita. Their parish hall is in worse condition than the main parish hall. The wooden structures are feeling the wear of the sun, rain and insects.

Since the rains are still ongoing and Easter was early we were expecting rain, But umbrellas have two names here: "Guarda-Chuva" (Guard against rain for a man) and "Sombrinha" (Shade or Lady's Umbrella). Rain or Sun it is a necessary item here.

Jesus and soldiers

A little altar of many along the way

A local man is hauled from the crowds to be Simon of Cyrene and help Jesus with his cross.

The processions turns onto the main street. Good Friday is a Bank Holiday here so there was no problem with traffic such as motorbikes and horse & carts!

Jesus comforts the women of Jerusalem.

The crowd looks on from outside the local bakery.

A view of the crowd as they round the main church along the way to the parish hall. Taken from our house upstairs.

Some of the crowd in the parish hall. Note: only half a roof.
The actors of the Passion Service and more of the crowd.

Jesus is nailed to the cross ("tied" in our case)

Jesus dies on the cross between the two thieves.

Jesus is taken down from the cross.

Jesus is laid in the tomb.

The body of Jesus is brought into the main church to complete the day's prayer and procession.

Some of the youth perform a sad mime drama.