Monday, September 29, 2008

Festa of The 13 Dead Cows Day 2

The second day of the festa included a huge dance. We were overflowing to capacity this night and at about 5 am I had to ask the music to stop so the workers could go home. If I had not stopped the dance I think they would have danced into the day light.

The local women preparing the kitchen. Most of the food sold on the second night was fast food such as homemade crisps, pastels, cakes etc.

Checking each grain of rice to prepare it for the big BBQ the next day. Rice here can include dirt and insects so the women check it all before cooking it.

The dance floor was full from the very first song to the last song 8 hours later.

The motor bike is king here hence, the helmet store.

The meat for the BBQ the next day was store in huge vats in our garage and allowed to marinate, but it had to be turned every hour. There was also a refrigerated lorry full of meat outside. Hence the Festa of the 13 dead cows!!!!

Games stalls were a great hit during the night.

A hot wine drink being laced with one of many bottles of "pinga" a local brew not too unlike our Poitin.