Wednesday, December 19, 2007

A Mixture of Views September to October 2007

Since my computer link was almost non-existent for the last few months here are a few views from the "smoky" season, before the rains put out the forest and field fires.

More of the forest burnt to ashes. This time of the year we hardly saw the sun for the smoke from all the fires. Some fires were claiming the forest {as above} and other fires were from farmers burning the weeds in the hope of encouraging new grass for the cattle and in doing so they killed insects, snakes and wild life.

After celebrating Mass in one of the settlement areas we were invited back to share lunch in one of the houses. The chicken stew is very nice but I have not gotten used to the head and feet in the pot! the people here might not have a whole lot of money but they live well off what the land provides. and I understand now how the humble chicken has and is feeding the whole world!

Beef and home-made sausage drying-out and being smoked over the open fire in the kitchen.

Padre Paudie from Co. Tipperary arrives in with the Shopping on a motor bike. His Jeep was crashed while he was at home this summer.

At another house on another day, I was introduced to the family pet. Many homes have local parrots as pets.

The Kiltegan Fathers are having a Chapter meeting in 2008. They have one every 7 years and this meeting plans the goals for the next 7 years for the Society and elects their new leaders. Here we are in Juruena at a pre-chapter meeting discussing our needs and goals for the Society's work for the next 7 years. Our report would go to the Main Chapter Meeting next May 2008 in Kiltegan. Other groups across Africa and other places in the world were doing the same as us.

L-R: Derek, Myself, Paudie and Vitalis (Nigerian Student) The photo was taken by Fr. Sean Deegan, presently working in South Africa but a member of the South American Region. He is in charge of formation of students and he was visiting our area to interview young men expressing an interest in joining the Society.

The parish runs and alternative medicine clinic. Here is a view of the people involved and the counter containing all the different plants etc which are used to make natural medicine.

I came across these men working on a new wooden bridge. I heard that if the lorry drivers think a bridge is too dangerous to use or is ready to fall, they will set fire to it and in doing so force the local municipio {county council} to replace it.

Another view of the wooden structure. Remember this bridge has to be capable of carrying a fully loaded timber lorry and a fully loaded trailer.

Celebrating 3 Baptisms {not First Communion} in São Cristovão.