Friday, August 25, 2006

Nossa Senhora da {Conceição} Aparecida & Community

Nossa Senhora Aparecida ou Nossa Senhora da Conceição Aparecida, padroeira do Brasil. O seu santuário localiza-se em Aparecida do Norte, no atual Estado de São Paulo, e a sua festa é comemorada, anualmente, a 12 de Outubro.

Nossa Senhora da Aparecida - Our Lady of the Appearance / Apparition, is the Patron of Brazil. The sanctuary can be found in the state of São Paulo and the feast day is the 12th of October which is also a bank holiday like our St. Patrick's Day.

The community named after her here is one of the oldest communities out in the country side.

Altar N.S. Aparecida

Church of N.S. Aparecida

Things don't Change much around the world - The men stay talking outside until the last moment before Mass begins.

The women are inside preparing the music before Mass.

An Interesting NOTE:

In most of the churches there is a womens side and a mens side. Generally even husbands and wives sit on opposite sides of the church.